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Access Handlers

Access handlers are class extensions that can be hooked into the access control flow that get checked before other access control rules or whitelists. They can be useful for making access control conditional on an external state, like a lock status, or to delegate access checking to an external access control system.

An access handler implementation extends the AccessControlHandler base class from CommonTXL, and overrides the virtual method _CheckAccess, returning one of the following values:

  • Allow
  • Deny
  • Pass

A return value of Allow or Deny terminate the access check immediately, ignoring any other access handlers, whitelists, or access rules. A return value of Pass will move onto the next handler or rules, essentially making no statement on the player's access.

Public API

Network Sync

This object is not network synced.

Inherited API

  • EventBase Public API


AccessControlHandler extends the CommonTXL EventBase class, so other scripts can register interest in the following events:

EVENT_REVALIDATEEmitted by an access handler implementation when access for any player has potentially changed.


AccessHandlerResult _CheckAccess( VRCPlayerAPI player )

Returns whether access is allowed, denied, or if the check should be passed to the next handler or remaining rule set for the given player.