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Access Control

The main AccessControl prefab is actually distributed through the CommonTXL package, allowing the core access control capabilities to be used by all of the TXL components without requiring all of the additional scripts and assets included in the AccessTXL package.

For more information on interacting with the access control object via scripting, check the Public API.

For interacting with the access control object via Udon Graph, check the Graph API.

Adding to Scene

A prefab is distirbuted with the CommonTXL runtime and is located at:

Packages/TXL - CommonTXL/Runtime/Prefabs/AccessControl.prefab

Draging this prefab into your scene will create a default AccessControl setup that permits instance owners and instance masters only.


AccessControl inspector window

Access options

Allow Instance Owner

Grants access to the player who created (owns) the instance. Not applicable to group or public instances.

Allow Master

Grants access to the current instance master. An instance will always have one master, but can be any player in the instance.

Restrict Master if Owner Present

Only allows master to have access if the instance owner is not present in the world.

Allow First Join

Grants access to the player who joined the world first. Can be used as a substitute for instance owner in group or public instances.

Restrict First Join if Owner Present

Only allows the first joined played to have access if the instance owner is not present in the world.

Allow Whitelist

Enables checking the built-in whitelist or any added whitelist sources.

Allow Everyone

Usually for testing, allows all players to have access without needing to change the rest of the configuration.

Default Options


When disabled, all access checks pass.

What's the difference between "Allow Everyone" and "Enforce"?

The "Allow Everyone" option can still be overridden by access handlers (see further down). When "Enforce" is disabled, no checks, including access handlers, are run at all. The check will always pass.

Debug Logging

Writes some diagnostic info to the VRC log file.

Optional Components

Debug Log

Writes some diagnostic info to a DebugLog component from CommonTXL.

Debug State

Continuously updates some internal state info in a DebugState component from CommonTXL.

Access Whitelist

User Whitelist

An internal whitelist containing a list of VRChat display names.

Whitelist Sources

A list of other user source objects, which could include other static whitelists, remote whitelists, or dynamic whitelists.

Whitelist sources can be shared

It's possible to share the same whitelist source component across multiple Access Control objects. This can be useful for creating a group of users and assigning it to multiple Access Control objects that represent different roles.

Access Handlers

A list of access handler objects that will be checked before other whitelists or rules. Access handlers are checked in the order presented in this list, and other handlers can be added later via an API method, which will be appended after this list.

Public API

Network Sync

This object is network synced. The following data is synced:

  • First joined player

Generally, each client maintains its own view of the world, and any changes on the AccessControl object will only affect the local client. Some of the optional components that can be used are synced separately.

Inherited API

  • EventBase Public API


AccessControl extends the CommonTXL EventBase class, so other scripts can register interest in the following events:

EVENT_VALIDATEEmitted whenever a player's access might have changed. Any subscriber should re-check access whenever this event is received.
EVENT_ENFORCE_UPDATEEmitted when the enforce option is changed.


void _AddAccessHandler( AccessControlHandler accessHandler )

Adds a new access handler to the access control configuration, if it has not already been added. Access handlers will be checked in the order they were added and have a chance to allow or deny access to a player before other checks are made.

void _AddUserSource( AccessControlUserSource source )

Adds a new whitelist source to the access control configuration, if it has not already been added. The AccessControl object will automatically hook itself into the source's EVENT_REVALIDATE event, so that the entire AccessControl object will be refreshed when the source requests it.

void _Enforce( bool state )

Sets whether access checks will be enforced or not. Causes both EVENT_VALIDATE and EVENT_ENFORCE_UPDATE events to be emitted.

bool _HasAccess( VRCPlayerApi player )

Checks if the given player is granted access by the current access control configuration. This takes into account all options, whitelists, and handlers.

bool _LocalHasAccess()

A version of the _HasAccess check for the local player.

bool _LocalWhitelisted()

A faster version of the _PlayerWhitelisted check for the local player.

bool _PlayerWhitelisted( VRCPlayerApi player )

Checks specifically if the given player is part of the AccessControl's internal whitelist, or allowed access via any of the attached whitelist sources. This is not the same as an access check, as it does not consider other access options or handlers.

void _Validate()

Instructs the AccessControl object to refresh all of its cached state (mainly related to the local player) and emit an EVENT_VALIDATE event after.

Graph API

The default Access Control prefab comes with a dedicated child object called GraphAPI, which has a script component specifically for using the Access Control object from Udon Grpah.

AccessControl inspector window

All API methods have been exposed so that arguments are set in advance as variables, and return values are retrieved after from variables.


The following example listens for an Interact event and branches on whether the local player has access or not, according to the supplied graph API objects, which is an Udon Behavior.

AccessControl inspector window



  • SetProgramVariable: aclUserSourceArg (UdonBehaviour)
  • SendCustomEvent: _AddUserSource


  • SetProgramVariable: enforceArg (bool)
  • SendCustomEvent: _Enforce


  • SetProgramVariable: accessPlayerArg (VRCPlayerApi)
  • SendCustomEvent: _HasAccess
  • GetProgramVariable: playerHasAccessReturn (bool)


  • SendCustomEvent: _LocalHasAccess
  • GetProgramVariable: localHasAccessReturn (bool)


  • SendCustomEvent: _LocalWhitelisted
  • GetProgramVariable: localWhitelistedReturn (bool)


  • SetProgramVariable: whitelistPlayerArg (VRCPlayerApi)
  • SendCustomEvent: _PlayerWhitelisted
  • GetProgramVariable: playerWhitelistedReturn (bool)


  • SendCustomEvent: _Validate